What a poetic weave through the mundane and the profound. Great post!
Society might split into two tiers. Those who are going to go along with the transhumanist ideals and the rest of us, of the earth, loving our little piece of land, communing with nature, and dying happily when our time comes.
Thanks Noel. As a life long permaculture dude/thinker i have often wondered about the tensions in society between luddites (me) and tech utopians (Elon and everyone). Its an epoch thing and we in it.
I love how you spiral from washing dishes to pondering the colapse of civilization - it’s like a TED Talk delivered by a dish sponge. And what I love most is the Aboriginal fire mastery bit - it's chefs kiss for history nerds like me. If you ever write a cookbook for survivalists, I’m preordering.
I listen to 432hz binaural beats in bed, sure helps, especially with depression) but “some say” that a fan running can disrupt the signal. Hard to tell what is “archon activity “ & military psy-op crap.
I look at the stated end goals and ask does this make sense? Is it realistically achievable with current knowledge/physics. If yes then it is likely a durable technology with utility. But our systems may not adapt without some disruption , eventually to be sorted. If the answer is no, I start looking for the motivation for the stated goal. Is it worth the energy expended for the lie. What goal would make it worthwhile? Do the perpetrators know of, or expect the necessary technology to appear to make the end goal happen?
Take Elon’s grift(s) for example. Human induced global warming leading to carbon credit trading. Each carbon credit trade invokes a fee. A massive money from nothing scheme that he benefits from. The fact that the energy balance will never work for electric vehicles but money is to be made from carbon credits and an infrastructure struggling to catch-up, but never will given current population expectations.
A global information and communication infrastructure that offers instant connection anywhere on the planet with all sorts of conveniences for a fee. Put in place at great energy expense and environmental degradation to the planet. I wonder if he gave up any of his Tesla carbon credits for all those carbon based propellant rocket launches. And those data centers again sucking all that power from an inadequate power grid. Are they paying credits for that use?
And the Mars vision just cannot be achieved at scale with the rocket technology in use. There are more efficient and less polluting technologies for ground to orbit lift that we have known about since the 50’s and 60’s but have been suppressed by the aerospace monopolies and military. Not even getting in to zero point technology.
Good for Elon and his buddies. Genius built upon the co-opted intellect of others. What does any of this have to with an average person trying to lead a fulfilling life? With the exception of instantaneous communication if properly applied (without the grift and control aspect), I posit not much.
Wow. Some great insights there. I agree with the grift aspect. It is almost like 'what do I need to talk to a guy in Russia for on my phone now, live? Yet because the infrastructure is laid down I am incentivised and in many instances have to participate. And this is 'the energy system' I'm talking about - like we are not tribal members in location anymore but disembodied avatars or something.
I see the map, and here I was thinking that Putin’s “RedLines” were about morality & tolerance of aggression, but now I get it, it’s about optimal routes for an oil & gas pipeline.
Proposed Optimal Transit Under Securitisation “ (POTUS)
All our reality is is dependent on the vibrational energy of the observer being in resonance with the observed.
For example, I heard, when the Spanish Conquistadors first contacted the Natives of South America (Incas Aztecs ? Not sure which) they had their sailing ships anchored in the bay but the “Indians” did not notice them being there until the Spaniards actually rowed ashore. Apparently because the Sailing Ship was a completely alien concept to them (also distant & not immediately threatening) so they failed to consciously register that these strange things could exist.
Even if this is not actually true, what is I ask?
The concept that we respond to fear & necessity far more readily than curiosity is hard to deny.
Drones are making UFO’s (UAV) hard to ignore, don’t knock it till you’re seen one
Love it A4L
What a poetic weave through the mundane and the profound. Great post!
Society might split into two tiers. Those who are going to go along with the transhumanist ideals and the rest of us, of the earth, loving our little piece of land, communing with nature, and dying happily when our time comes.
Yeah, the hold outs should meet themselves and their source on good terms that way.
Wow, a lot of wisdom packed into this!
Thanks Noel. As a life long permaculture dude/thinker i have often wondered about the tensions in society between luddites (me) and tech utopians (Elon and everyone). Its an epoch thing and we in it.
Interesting! "Utopian" is the sales pitch.
I love how you spiral from washing dishes to pondering the colapse of civilization - it’s like a TED Talk delivered by a dish sponge. And what I love most is the Aboriginal fire mastery bit - it's chefs kiss for history nerds like me. If you ever write a cookbook for survivalists, I’m preordering.
U.S. Military is developing plasma technology to create “voices” out of thinned air. I kid you not. See post above
I listen to 432hz binaural beats in bed, sure helps, especially with depression) but “some say” that a fan running can disrupt the signal. Hard to tell what is “archon activity “ & military psy-op crap.
Better call ghost busters lol
I did. I want them to stop. Crazy bastards
Thats just you dude. We are all mental. Merry xmas
Please make it stop
Just got another one today, woke up from a nap & heard a voice say “Wow, shock” wtf? Sinister, Merry 🎄 Xmas
I look at the stated end goals and ask does this make sense? Is it realistically achievable with current knowledge/physics. If yes then it is likely a durable technology with utility. But our systems may not adapt without some disruption , eventually to be sorted. If the answer is no, I start looking for the motivation for the stated goal. Is it worth the energy expended for the lie. What goal would make it worthwhile? Do the perpetrators know of, or expect the necessary technology to appear to make the end goal happen?
Take Elon’s grift(s) for example. Human induced global warming leading to carbon credit trading. Each carbon credit trade invokes a fee. A massive money from nothing scheme that he benefits from. The fact that the energy balance will never work for electric vehicles but money is to be made from carbon credits and an infrastructure struggling to catch-up, but never will given current population expectations.
A global information and communication infrastructure that offers instant connection anywhere on the planet with all sorts of conveniences for a fee. Put in place at great energy expense and environmental degradation to the planet. I wonder if he gave up any of his Tesla carbon credits for all those carbon based propellant rocket launches. And those data centers again sucking all that power from an inadequate power grid. Are they paying credits for that use?
And the Mars vision just cannot be achieved at scale with the rocket technology in use. There are more efficient and less polluting technologies for ground to orbit lift that we have known about since the 50’s and 60’s but have been suppressed by the aerospace monopolies and military. Not even getting in to zero point technology.
Good for Elon and his buddies. Genius built upon the co-opted intellect of others. What does any of this have to with an average person trying to lead a fulfilling life? With the exception of instantaneous communication if properly applied (without the grift and control aspect), I posit not much.
Wow. Some great insights there. I agree with the grift aspect. It is almost like 'what do I need to talk to a guy in Russia for on my phone now, live? Yet because the infrastructure is laid down I am incentivised and in many instances have to participate. And this is 'the energy system' I'm talking about - like we are not tribal members in location anymore but disembodied avatars or something.
Forgot to edit? Ironically my brothers name is Tommy, but it should read “room” oops sorry what a mess!
I hear these voices whispering
In my Tommy both night or day
I strain to hear what they’re saying
But then they go away.
Once I heard a hissing
“Stop that, Go away”
“This is my room now I told her
And here I intend to stay”
Now the voices are not so clear,
It sounds as though they’re prayers
So very hard to for me to hear
Are they chanting mantras or casting spells?
I should try recording them, to save my ears.
Or casting spells or mantras
I see the map, and here I was thinking that Putin’s “RedLines” were about morality & tolerance of aggression, but now I get it, it’s about optimal routes for an oil & gas pipeline.
Proposed Optimal Transit Under Securitisation “ (POTUS)
All our reality is is dependent on the vibrational energy of the observer being in resonance with the observed.
For example, I heard, when the Spanish Conquistadors first contacted the Natives of South America (Incas Aztecs ? Not sure which) they had their sailing ships anchored in the bay but the “Indians” did not notice them being there until the Spaniards actually rowed ashore. Apparently because the Sailing Ship was a completely alien concept to them (also distant & not immediately threatening) so they failed to consciously register that these strange things could exist.
Even if this is not actually true, what is I ask?
The concept that we respond to fear & necessity far more readily than curiosity is hard to deny.
Drones are making UFO’s (UAV) hard to ignore, don’t knock it till you’re seen one
Yeah reality is perceptual at this stage in my life
I dunno if Materialism is pride but I know it's not an enemy of spirit. Spirit has none.
Pride is kind of proof of work for me. It overlaps with gratitude for a self I once was that wanted to build the house I'm in and I'm proud of him
you are deep dude. Always amazing level insights from you. Pride would barely be a 'thing' when your now was more in the rhythm of what was essential.